Content Pillars

In the ever-changing space of digital marketing, establishing a strong online presence is more vital than ever. Your brand's reputation, credibility, and success hinge on your ability to connect with your audience consistently and authentically. This isn’t just another post about how to go viral or “grow your following in a week.” It’s a tangible strategy to start creating content that consistently aligns with your brand so that you can level up from being just another player in your niche to establishing a genuine and lasting connection with your dream audience - and having fun while you’re doing it!

Your Instagram feed isn’t your brand… but it certainly impacts it.

Branding → defines. Marketing → communicates. And the magic moment happens when these two intersect and you start giving your clients a surround sound brand experience across every single touchpoint!

Your brand goes way deeper than your IG feed - but it certainly impacts it. That’s why it’s so important to create content that authentically aligns with your brand - you never know when a dream client is going to come across one of your brand touchpoints…

And I get it, marketing is a full-time-job’s worth of time and mental load that you’re trying to juggle on top of all your other business tasks. This isn’t just another post about how to go viral or “grow your following in a week.” Nor is it going to add more to your to-do list; your time is invaluable, you just need to start learning how to use it purposefully. This is where Content Pillars come into play.

What are content pillars?

Content pillars are 3-5 of your top, go-to topics related to your specific niche. These are topics that you have the most expertise in - things you can't stop talking about!

Your topics should:

  • Serve your audience

  • Support your offerings

  • Showcase your expertise and artistry

  • Position you in your industry

  • Illustrate your philosophy

Content banks

Content banks help you keep track of your content ideas and organize them by media type, status, date, and - you guessed it, content pillar

This is going to help you:

  • Ensure you’re creating relevant, meaningful content that aligns with your brand

  • Easily repurpose content

  • Help you avoid the creative funk + burnout

Content creation doesn’t have to take up all your time and creative energy - this resource is to help encourage you to turn your marketing into something that is fun and natural to you!

My goal is to help you find clarity in your brand so that you can cultivate a presence across every single touchpoint, inviting your audience to binge, obsess, and rave over vibe

Ready to elevate your content strategy? Download my Content Pillar Notion template below! Complete with content pillar prompts, brainstorming spaces, and an editable content bank!

Download the Social Media Content Pillar Notion Template | $6

Just cover my latte (reg milk, no tip, no tax) and the template is yours! Download below!


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